DAkkS Calibration Center

The GOSSEN METRAWATT calibration center is accredited according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 as DAkkS calibration laboratory under No. D-K-15080-01-01.

More than 30,000 calibrations per year, made by approx. 50 employees in our calibration center, speak a clear language.     

Almost all measurements from a single source     

Calibration laboratory for DAkkS,

ISO & factory calibrations!     

Largest DAkkS calibration laboratory for electrical measurements

We calibrate throughout Europe and worldwide for the locations of our customers. In addition to the technical calibration services,
we also take over your process logistics from and to your respective locations
(shipping & transport, customs clearance, inspection equipment management, etc.) as well as any necessary repair services.

Measured variables that we calibrate.

Electric sizes






Production measuring equipment



PH value



Our services

DAkkS calibrations -

with DAkks calibration certificate

Factory calibrations - with factory calibration certificate

Tests by order - with test report

Calibration of our DIN rail energy meters - with calibration certificate

Standard for the METRAHit multimeter and many of our testers

Calibrations of devices from other manufacturers.


Additional information

Quality and Certificates