
The log shows the wrong date and time!

In SECUTEST and in the SI / PSI module the date and time must be set correctly.

Import data from SECUTEST with SECUTEST SI +

Click Data - Import - SECUTEST PSI, not SECUTEST SII or SIII.

If the reading does not work, then check whether the SECUTEST SI + is correctly entered in the device manager of Windows:

If there is no SECUTEST SI + under Ports (COM & LPT), install the driver Drivercontrrol, which you can download on this page: http://www.gossenmetrawatt.com/deutsch/produkte/drivercontrol.htm

Maximum COM9 can be used. If a higher number has been assigned, it must be changed to a number in the range COM1 to COM9.

To do this, double-click the SECUTEST SI + line, go to Port Settings - Advanced and change the COM number accordingly.  

Data transfer from older database (Pro version)

Copy the previous database to a USB stick, which you can also plug into a new PC if the program is not installed on the same PC. You will find the file when you go to Tools - Database in the Electrical Manager.

On the new PC go to START (from Windows, but do not start the electric manager) - Electric Manager Professional and start the DB converter.

There you can then select the previous database as the source and start the converter. Then your data will be transferred to the new installation. Then start the electric manager and check whether the data is available.



Data transfer SECUTEST with ELEKTROmanager 8F04 and 9F04 (FAQ PG818)